I know this has been asked before, but I still can't get it right. What's the right way to "burn off" a replacement mantle before you light the gaz lamp?
I either end up burning holes in them, or don't get them to burn at all. Funny thing is, they still seem to work either way, so I'm wondering if it's worth all the bother in the first place!!!
Has trouble doing mine at first, now I just let the flame touch the mantle not the match and they dont burn as such, just smoulder and goes grey slowly, I always make sure Ive got a few spare mantles just in case I bodge it up.
You should hold a flame to them to burn them off but dont touch them while you do this as they will fall to pieces. Once they have burned off you can fire up the lamp. Mantles are always fragile and even the most experienced users can come a cropper doing this. My Scout Group has 5 Coleman lamps and it is always a challenge replacing the mantles while we are away.
Still not quite sure what I'm doing wrong, 'cos I seem to get holes in them even without touching them with anything, then if I'm too cautious, they don't burn at all... but I'll give it another go.
What happens if you don't burn them off, but just light the lamp? Do things get "exciting"?!?
i got fed up with trying to burn off the mantle before lighting the lamp,so i decided to try and light the lamp once the mantle was in place and ..............presto hey,it worked perfectly! not only did it work on this occasion,but has done every other time i've added a new mantle!
Same for me, always placed the mantle and than just lighted the lamp, first turn it very low until the mantle is burned and only than turn it up.
Only have had to replace a mantle twice in many many years this way.
If possible hold the flame underneath the mantle, instead of aside or from above. Underneath makes it easier to just let the flame reach the mantle. The other two ways there is a greater risk to actually touch the mantle and damage it.
Can't say I've ever had a problem buring off the mantles - as others have said though try and keep the match well away, just let the flame touch. Even better is to use a gas lighter.
On the piezzo ignitiion lamp I've got though I just light it on gas and it works OK!
Tilley's are easier - use the lighting torch and the mantle burns off nicely.
I would caution against using mantles with holes in them - they can burn very hot and crack the glass on the lamp.