Tent Reviews: SoulPad 5000-hybrid
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32.00 KG
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Average User Rating:9.86/10 from 7 reviews Viewed: 30549 times
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7 Reviews of the 5000-hybrid
By: Festivalmummy Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
I have had my 5 m zig soulpad for 5 years and it really is a great investment. I camp with 4 kids and used the soulpad without an inner for a couple of years, still loved it but we were cold in the early hours. Bought an inner it and haven't looked back, so much warmer we are cosy and the kids all sleep through. I got the half inner tent and in that I can fit 2 double inflating mats, one single and a travel cot and still have room for bags/suitcases round the side. It keeps the bedroom area tidy so the kids still have the front part of the tent to play in separately. I got the ZIG so we can roll up the sides if wanted and if it is wet you can pack tent up without groundsheet getting canvas dirty.
I haven't reproofed it yet but will do soon but have never had any leaks and we got some really rainy weather on last trip. Got a few drips off a- frame but that was possibly just condensation I think.
It is a great quality canvas and if looked after will last you years.
I brush mine out and clean and dry it as I fold and roll it up on site. Time consuming but keeps it fresh and clean so worth doing!
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By: Gepocock Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
I love this tent. My hubbie said he hated camping as it reminded him of the army! But now he is a born-again camper. He is now happy to think of camping as his holiday, and willing to think of quantity camping rather than one holiday a year. We usually go to Christchurch, overlooking the Forest of Dean and now go virtually every weekend, watching the sun set over the hills and sitting outside under the stars whilst often our grandchildren are snoring loudly inside, whilst we drink a few bottles of red wine.
Some people extol the virtues of inner tents for privacy, but you know, I quite like communal living. Why do we need to segregate ourselves?
On a more technical note, the tent is spacious and easy to put up. This is truly 'glamping.' It doens't leak and can also be unzipped and rolled up for those hotter days. The bathtub design does not allow any water leakage, and the rim does not present a problem for younger children as they quickly recognise the need to step over the rim, although it usually takes me a little longer after a few glasses of wine!
The tent is not really that heavy, although we usually do it together, I know of one single mother who is able to erect hers (tent that is) with ease.
I hope this is of some use to someone, love the Soulpad, and will stick to canvas.
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By: Discover-outdoors Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
This tent is absolutely amazing! Only bought it this year, first time we took it out March/April time it was during a storm with 70mph gusts which knocked down a telegraph pole further down the hill. The tent was fine, sturdy and no damage whatsoever. We also have a stove for it so you can have the added benefit of heat. Very versatile, easy and fast to put up, I don't think I could ever go back to the 'normal' way of camping! My eyes have been opened!
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By: Rosieposie Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2012 Rating: 
We bought this tent so we could take our disabled son camping with us,we wanted something that was easy to put up and pack away,very happy with our purchase,its a doddle to put up,is very well made with a thick groundsheet,the inside is very light and airy,my wife thought she would feel closed in due to the lack of windows,it has four,but there very low,but she loves the tent,as others have said the cotton lets natural light in and its the most pleasant tent ive been in,has lots of space,very rigid indeed,so hopefully will give us many years of happy camping.
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By: Vix770 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2011 Rating: 
Absolutely love this tent! After years of sleeping in normal tents it is a joy- even my reluctant husband is now a convert! Its so quiet to sleep in, its so cosy but also incredibly spacious. Very well made. It doesn't leak. The customer service at Soulpad is very good- very quick delivery and helpful with my numerous questions prior to purchase. The only downside is the sheer weight of it- especially when wet, but I knew this before I bought it and it certainly wouldn't stop me from recommending it. It is very important to dry these tents fully before storing or they will rot. Be warned, lots of fellow campers (and children!) come over to have a look- you get a lot of attention with this tent!. Next purchase has to be a stove for it :-)
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By: Dianebb72 Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2011 Rating: 
We bought this tent to replace our Bear Lake 6 as we needed a tent that was easier to put up due to both of us having a disability. The quality of the tent is great and is extremely quick and easy to put up. I initially ordered a SIG bell tent but changed it to a ZIG as I wanted to be able to be able to unzip the walls and roll them up if it's too hot. I do think that it would be a good idea to have a pegging point where the doors meet as this would make it easier to zip/unzip but other than that we are extremely happy with the quality of the tent. We've had rain each time we've pitched it and we've had no leaks. This tent and the Eldorado we have are the only tents that we've had people come over and ask us about so be prepared for some attention.
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By: Ottopfennig Reason: I own(ed) one Made in: 2010 Rating: 
First used in October half term 2010 which was very cold and wet! the tent was fantastic; I had been researching belltents for a few months and settled on a Soulpad. We decided on the hybrid because you can unzip the groundsheet and rollup the sides (not that we did in October!) but this was useful when breaking camp as I could pack the tent and ground sheet separately and then dry them at home (it had rained the night before we left). Loads of living space but we are going to buy an inner tent to give the kids a zone of their own and to keep it all a bit tidier. Having previously owned nylon tents the main thing I noticed was how warm and quiet the Soulpad is; it doesn't flap about and you don't feel cold blasts of air; a much better night's sleep. I am looking into fitting a woodburning stove. When we went in October we had a fan heater which was adequate in keeping the tent warm. We're really pleased with it.
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Manufacturer's Description
Zipped-in groundsheet (ZIG), 5m diameter, 1.75m entrance, 3m at centre, weight 29kg. This SoulPad® combines some of the luxury and practicality of the SoulPad-ease™ tents with all of the fun and drama of the SoulPad-lites™
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