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Printed From: Life in General Forum Description: Forum for subjects not covered in other sections. If you want to just chat, or say hi please use the Chat forum. Please avoid anything referring to politics and religion URL: Printed Date: 14/3/2025 at 11:19am Topic: Dog Behaviourist `Bark Busters` Posted By: tango55 Subject: Dog Behaviourist `Bark Busters` Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 3:56pm Has anyone ever heard of this company called 'Bark Busters' at all as we have recently rehomed a 4 year old dog which is a Pomeranian as he was being left too many hours during the day on his own (so the seller said). He's a good dog and being trained to commands quite well but has a major problem with some other dogs and especially us when he takes something such as a slipper or empty toilet roll that doesn't belong to him. He snarls and growls quite fiercely so we think professional advice is the way forward here. However, after contacting 'Bark Busters' yesterday they phoned me today and arranged a 3 hour visit our home in two weeks time but their costs are £275 for the year (and you can request them to return any time apprently) with a £25 deposit now which I paid via my debit card today after giving them my debit card card number. However, on second thoughts I was wondering if this company was legitimate or not and have been in touch with 'Dogs Trust', the 'Kennel Club plus my local vet but none are familiar with them at all. So my question here is not actually related to my dog's behaviour but to the company 'Bark Busters' as it would be interesting to know if anyone has ever heard of or used them and if they received any positive training results. Their website is in the link below which also has links to reviews in several counties in England. Replies: Posted By: russandjax Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 4:02pm You may have been following my thread *Aggressive Teddy*...He is seeing a behaviourist & she charges £25 for a 2 hour home visit. She is well known in the area too. Did you find yours on-line? Mine states what she does in the community with rescue centres etc. Posted By: chelsea girl Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 4:42pm Never heard of them. I would avoid to be honest. I would only go with someone that had personally been recommended to me by someone who had used the behaviourist or via the vet and not by some random company on the internet. My local behaviourist charges £10.00 an hour and specialises in rescue dogs (owns her own rescue centre too) if that gives you an idea of prices. Posted By: madz Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 5:30pm Just one of the threads about this company on Google. Its seems their success varies depending on the trainer try googling your particular area's bark busters. Posted By: Ninja 47 Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 6:05pm Sounds a right rip-off.Best thing i ever done when i had a pup was taking him to a dog trainer,the lessons stayed with me and fluff for the next 14years. £10/15 per hour should suffice. Posted By: kimmie Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 6:26pm I've heard of them but we have arranged our dog behaviourist through the vets we use. Our vet also gets a person from Cleverdog Company to give a talk about puppy training but referred us to the Behaviour Unit at the vet attached to the Vet University in Somerset. Posted By: ficklejade Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 6:32pm Try having a New Zealand Huntaway/Collie Cross! They bark a lot coz that's how they control sheep and other livestock. It's all really subtle tones but he has one bark that sends shivers down my spine - he's developed this since spending fairly long periods with (he's nearly as old as Mum) Mum and this bark means Mum's got troubles. I didn't train him to do this; he trained me to respond. Posted By: tango55 Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 6:40pm Quote: Originally posted by russandjax on 25/4/2013 Posted By: Whatamess Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 7:43pm I use Bark Busters. I paid £295 although you're the second person I've seen mention £275. Don't know why there's a discrepancy. You do get 12 months support for that price. The first session was about 4 hours and the subsequent ones have been about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Plus I can email her or phone any time. The only complaint I've got is that I don't get hold of her if I phone but her "partner/secretary" will ring me back and take a message. She's very helpful though and I can ask specifically for the trainer if I need to. I'm happy with them and am having my 4th visit on Monday because some problems I've been having with my dog are escalating. There is a difference between trainers and behaviourists. Bark Busters are trainers, not behaviourists. Russandjax is/are paying £25 for the first visit of a behaviourist, which seems very cheap to me. I paid £100 when I had my last dog for the first visit, which was about 4 or 5 hours (very long) and then £100 per 2-hour session after that. He was recommended to me and was actually a waste of money, which I didn't realise, due to the problem I had, until I had spent quite a bit and the problem persisted. We only have a couple of trainers round here, the nearest on to me has such large classes that nothing much gets done and their methods are doubtful. It's sometimes a bit difficult to find someone who's been recommended. Give Bark Busters a try - they do have a guarantee after all. If you're not happy within a certain time (I think it's a fortnight) after the first visit you can get your money back less a reasonable fee to cover the first visit. Nora Posted By: cmes Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 9:10pm Yes I have heard of bark busters. I talked to them some time ago and yes I was quoted huge amounts. I just couldn't afford them, however the person I spoke to sounded friendly, professional and helpful. I found a local dog trainer and we love going to classes. In fact, we have just been promoted :-) good luck :-) Posted By: Aderynglas Date Posted: 25/4/2013 at 9:56pm Well, try as I might, I couldn't find out anything about training to become a franchisee with them (it's a franchise, like mc donalds) There is also no mention of their 'behaviourists' or trainers belonging to either the the, or any actual training courses they may have to take to qualify as a trainer/behaviour counsellor :o There was a lot of info on how lucrative the business is :( Posted By: Whatamess Date Posted: 26/4/2013 at 10:04am Quote: Originally posted by cmes on 25/4/2013 I wouldn't call £295 a huge amount for 12 months support. The trainer I took Molly to for puppy classes charges about £5 a session, probably only an hour, which works out at £260 over a year if you go once a week. You just pay he same but by instalments. I just can't commit to going regularly and you make an appointment with Bark Busters when it's convenient for you. Nora Posted By: suzukikitten Date Posted: 26/4/2013 at 12:11pm Nora do you happen to have a Jack Russell???? Posted By: lizzy23 Date Posted: 26/4/2013 at 2:38pm they are a franchise as someone mentioned, if you want a behavourist look at the APBC and look for ones registered with them in your area, Posted By: tango55 Date Posted: 26/4/2013 at 11:00pm
Posted By: russandjax Date Posted: 27/4/2013 at 11:25am Quote: Originally posted by tango55 on 25/4/2013 Chuffed my problems may help you sort out yours image: - Bark busters seem to have a long term approach, however my husband would not entertain shelling out that kind of money on a *dog* lol.. Teddy sniffed a dogs bum yesterday, probably first time in his life..we met the dog walker again, & after a few minutes of barking, pulling etc, he calmed down enough to have a sniff without any nastiness!! However he reverted to type with the other cannines we passed lol. Is there anyone local to you who charges for a one off session? Posted By: Whatamess Date Posted: 27/4/2013 at 11:29am Quote: Originally posted by suzukikitten on 26/4/2013 Hi, Jean. I've replied to you on the JRT forum. Nora Posted By: tango55 Date Posted: 10/5/2013 at 4:34pm You were quite right 'Whatamess'. Bark Busters was £295 like you said in your previous post as the confusion was with the £25 deposit leaving £270 to pay which is for a years support whatever location we are at in the UK. The lady from Bark Busters was very polite and helpful with constructive solutions to our dogs problems regarding aggressiveness and barking at other dogs plus a few more issues. Within 3 hours all of the problems had been eradicated so it's just a matter of time, patience and constant training now. What I like about Bark Busters is that it comes with constructive advice and problem solving, no shock collars or any other unpleasant methods of training plus a guarantee to reform the dog behaviour (although it may take longer with some dogs) so if the owner follows the rules then it should eventually lead to a stress free happy relationship with your dog. Posted By: snowy747 Date Posted: 10/5/2013 at 4:40pm He he, are we all over on the JRT forum now?! Glad you are getting some good advice and help. Ali Posted By: kimmie Date Posted: 10/5/2013 at 5:03pm Which thread in jrt forum? |
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