we need to re-proof our f/c and wondering what is the best to use. Years ago we did a trailer tent we owner with Fabsil but it worked out very expensive. we have heard thompson water seal is good, but just reading a previous post, a few people say it can stay wet and sticky. Any advice on the best and hopefully the cheapest way of doing it. Does thomsons spray directly from a sprayer on dry canvas like fabsil. Many thanks. Maddy
Dave used Fabsil on ours, he used lining paper to cover up the windows and masking tape on the zips and then sprayed it on with a garden sprayer then used a window cleaner sponge thingy with an extendable pole to rub it all in and there was no mess at all.
I used Thompsons Water Seal in July on our 13 year old FC, leaving it to air for two days, before folding it away. When we went to York for two weeks earlier this month the sun shone every day and the skys were clear. Obviously Thompsons is the best to use.