A word of warning for anyone with a FC who might have cats in their locality. Went away last weekend and found that my transit cover had leaked. Roof of FC was soaked in the middle, carpet was very damp/slightly mouldy. Found out I had 4 small holes in the cover, slightly elongated ones and just like a cat claw. I have my FC on my drive, and when it's a warm sunny day, a local cat likes to sun himself on the cover. My dogs normally chase him off, but they were napping themselves and so "off guard". Have patched the holes and took the opportunity of applying Mer bumper/vinyl gel (available on Ebay). It has excellent waterproofing qualities and also brings back some of the cover colour. Have also ordered a suitable tarpaulin to keep cats off on a permanent basis.My older winter cover is past its best anyway.
I have 3 cats and they walk all over my Fiesta but have not done any damage to the cover except probably one or two scratch marks. My cover is the original Pennine cover 17 years old and is far to thick to be penetrated by a cats claws,are you sure it's a cat?
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dead horse
donkey buyer
Yes..100% A big ginger cat. It's where it stretches and digs its paws in. My cover is the original but don't think it's that thick really. Anyway holes patched and big thick tarpaulin on its way to replace my aged old one.
My cats sleep on my camper and didn't harm the old '96 cover..however the new cover is much more light weight so I shall be putting another tarp undernesth just in case!!
To those putting two waterproof non breathable covers on just be careful of damp issues.
Thanks for warning about cats though hadn't really thought about that as ours would be exposed to that issue, and for bumper gel which I hadn't heard of and may well do as a precaution anyway