£250 is quite cheap for a Conway Camberley so if it's in good nick it's not a bad buy.
What you really need to be checking for is mould (black spots) and mildew (dry mouldy powder) but if it has a bit it's not the end of the world. If you think it has mould you can give the inside a wipe with a cloth damped with one part Milton Sterilising fluid to 10 parts water. This will kill the mould spores and prevent it spreading and if it doesn't soak through the canvas it should still be waterproof.
The inner tents and roof liners etc. can be removed and washed in the washing machine and the seats and mattress pads can be re-covered if necessary ( a king sized quilt cover will cover the bed foam).
You can clean the canvas if it's absolutely necessary - if you have to use a specialist canvas cleaner rather than just water, you will have to waterprooof it with Fabsil or something similar. It will probably cost £30-£40. Then you will need to keep doing it probably every 3-4 years depending on use. If you send it away for cleaning it might cost a couple of hundred but you would need to phone around for a price for that.
Camberley's were made in the mid 90's I think, so it's going to be a bit grubby after 15 years of use - as long as you can clean the sleeping areas, you might just decide you can live with it.
If you look after and make sure it's always packed away dry (and that means opening it up when you get back from holiday even if you think it's dry, to air it out) and open it up every month if you can, just to make sure it's ok and to get some air in, it should last you for a good few years with minimal outlay.