We have just had a bit of trouble getting a wheel clamp for our combi camp. Although the wheels are only 10" they are exceptionally chubby (the only word I can think to explain it). We bought a standard clamp for 10" wheels but when we got it home, it would not fit. It was fine for the diameter of the wheel but the arms would not go round the depth of the wheel. We ended up having to buy one which was a lot more expensive than we had wanted. The guy in the shop told us that recent combi camps have fatter wheels than the old ones so it might be an idea to take your spare wheel with you and make sure it fits before you buy.
thank you all for the replies , i got myself one of theses on sunday from go outdoors in oxford got 20% off so only cost £48 .... fits those little chubby wheels a treat !!
Where it is recommended that you use locking nuts for your wheel with this type of wheel clamp, otherwise a tealeaf can just undo your nuts and replace your wheel with their own and drive off with your camper.
We just brought the euroclamp and need to get the locking wheelnuts as we had problems finding something to fit the wheels as well. We also had problems with the hitchlock but managed to sort that out today (got from towsure - can supply photo if required). We have a camplet.
Quote: Originally posted by kieranar on 17/3/2007
looking for a good quality wheel clamp for my new combi camp, any recommendations ?
HI..... why have trouble with adding a wheel lock?? use a long necked padlock and lock the hitchlock handle,prevent it being useable,. see it at or in photoalbum at