I've recently bought a VW T4 Autosleeper Trooper, and was wondering if any Trooper owners can advise on the best way to attach a freestanding awning?
I have a Khyam Motordome which I used to attach to my old Transit camper using a figure-of-8 clipped to the gutter. Of course, the Trooper doesn't have a gutter...
I guess I could fit a J-rail to the side of the van (where can I get one?), but I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing before I go screwing anything into the plastic moulding below the pop-top!
I also use a VW T4 Trooper with Khyam Motordome awning. I got my dealer to fit the J-rail on the moulding, and use figure of 8 attachment. I felt this was well worth it and have no regrets.