We have jus become the proud owners of a 1989 Hymer 694. The package also includes a nearly new Omnistor safari room.
We erected the room on Friday evening, and think we did pretty well as there were no instructions. However, we would really appreciate it if you have either a link to some, or could send a scanned copy.
We bought one a couple of years ago. Don,t know what happened to our instructions, but they were really small print and not much use, if nobody has an original to put on here, will put our modus operandii on here as a post, along with a couple of things we have found to be useful.
------------- Keep smiling, its later than you think !
Be careful when you erect it next time, the camper is NOT suppose to move ie.sideway movement, re, when you get in and out, if it moves you will bend the upright poles(the ones that go near the van and under the awning) or worse you can actually push the awning off the van. I have seen this happen in Spain,