Do you find that clothing, towels etc get damp when they have been left in a Motorhome for a while ie 2 to 3 weeks; does anyone have this problem? If so, what do you do?
I like to have gear in the van so that we can go at any time we feel like.
I have thought about getting a heat sealer and putting items straight from the airing cupboard and sealing them up
We also had this problem, solved as above salt, when the salt gets damp throw into a bucket in the garage and use on the drive in winter. Another help was we stopped putting clothing lose, every thing now goes into snugpak pak boxes.
These keep it all a bit more organised, one for smalls, one for T shirts and so on. when we get home every thing comes in, gets washed then put back in the little bags, and put back in the van. so even if we just go out for the day we can always stop if we want.( yes we are sad we have van pants and house pants )
Bowls of salt work well, just ask any static caravan owner what they leave in over winter
I know some people disagree but I use a dehumidifier and it works a treat for me
Anything that removes water from the air inside my M/H wether or not it's just pulling it in the vents can't be a bad thing. So much less to do any damage
Why not just open the camper up now and then, especially now that the weather is improving, we been doing it sine 1974 and never had any problems with damp
Its amazing how much water collects in the humidifier ours fills up every 2 weeks on avarage we got it in Aldi for £35 nice and neat and all the towels are fresh and dry when we decide to take off not had a spot of damp in a 12 year old camper either then again I leave the shed heater (long barrel type from argos) on temp controlled all winter.