It could even be a faulty tap. Im a plumber and come across this problem in houses all the time. This is how to test if you have normal tap heads and not a lever. Take the head off and unscrew the tap body anticlockwise from the tap. Be ready to screw it back in again if water comes out quickly ( and do this when the water isnt too hot to handle) you know the tap is at fault. If you have a lever tap its a little different as you have to remove the cartridge. Usually you unscrew the handle that is retained by a grub screw or allen key. Unscrew an outer ring from the tap body then the cartridge lifts out. You will see two holes at the bottom, one hot one cold, You might get wet. Some foreign taps have filters at the end of the spout so check this too. Another way that might work is to disconnect the pipes to the tap and then see if you can blow through the pipes and out of the tap ( sometimes easy , sometimes not depending on pipe layout and type of sockets used). Just thought of even easier way ( Ive just tried it on mine). Turn pump off. Open both taps. Place mouth around spout of one tap and blow. Water/air should come out of the other tap and if not you have a blockage.