I've been looking for a cheap inner for my Vaude drive (definitely not worth buying the branded inner as it will only be used a few times)
But I came across this write-up - thought I'd better avoid this one if I want the kids to sleep there...they have enough bad habits already!
"This inner fits into the Movelite Square, Movelite Midi and Movelite XL drive-away awnings and is designed to sleep 2 persons. The base groundsheet fabric (it swears a lot) is Polyethylene and the shell is made from fully breathable polyester."
Whichever way, they're not doing their sales any favours are they?
Years ago we used to have a local garage that advertised its used cars with true honesty; "It's the paint that's holding this one together", "Reaches 110mph...eventually" ...and they still sold!
local pub This is one of our local pubs. For some reason I've never been inside - but the sign has been there at least 10 years and the pub survives, so someone likes it!