anyone had and experience with russek online manuals. I have tried to get a fiat one from Haynes, but they do not have one for the fiat ducato 2005 2.8 jtd. I am having a problem renewing the antifreeze and do not seem to get enough old antifreeze out. I have found the radiator drain plug and have got out about 3 ltrs. but as the handbook gives a capacity of 10 ltrs. there must be another drain plug for the engine. the bottom hose from the radiator to block is very difficult to reach.any assistance would be appreciated
Russek manual for VW T25 was not that good, I found. Too small & too brief. I only bought it because Haynes did not do manual for Diesel T25.
T25 petrol also had drain plugs in engine but rather than risk removing them I would detach hose, put hose pipe into it & run water though system until clear water came out tother end. I would then replace hose & fill system with correct amount of neat G12(ie half system capacity)top up with water, start engine, bleed system, engine running, keep topping up with water to end up with a 50/50 mix with water. Ensure heater is on so matrix is drained.
May well work with yours, as long as the system is mostly drained & refilled with 50/50 antifreeze(of correct grade for your vehicle)& water then job done.
I think you will find that the only way to drain the radiator completely is to actually take the bottom hose off, it is no difficult to do if you raise tbe van slightly at the front to gain access to the hose,
Because the thermostat is closed on a cold engine, usually only the radiator is drained. Try and drain with a hot engine, just hot enough to open thermostat.
When filling up, Fill as much as possible, start the engine to open thermostat and slowly add more antifreeze, not too fast while filling.