Has anyone encountered problems filling their lpg bottles at garages in France? We have just changed bottles to refillable and have been advised they can refuse filling.
A lot of the supermarket fuel stations are automatic, especially when the shop is closed, or at lunch time, so I don't think there would be anyone there to stop you. It might depend where you fill you cylinders in the van. I think some outlets get nervous when they see people open a locker door to fill rather than having a proper external filling point.
Thanks for your help, yes, we will have to rethink the filling options. We are thinking of positioning the filler under the skirt now instead of in the locker. Cheers.
I fitted a Gaslow system a few years ago with the filler inside the locker and we've never had a problem with filling in France or the UK.
We filled up at least five times last year and none of the Fuel Station staff paid any notice as to whether the filler was inside or outside the locker.
If you change your MH and the filler is inside you can transfer the system but if it's on the outside you probably can't.
It is illegal to refill gas bottles at service stations in France.
Since Aug 2010 it has been law at all service stations to display notices stating it isn't allowed.
That doesn't stop them doing it!
Calling at two fuel stations for LPG (called GPL in France) this year – one very tight fit and one reasonable - https://youtu.be/PpwFfU-bpl4
Remember which side your filler is located as none of the pipes we've seen would be long enough to go around a Motorhome and to pull your wing mirrors in.
Thanks for the info, Nethernut. After all the advice we have now positioned the filler inside the locker. Now all we have to do is get down to the sun!!