We are looking to buy a gas alarm for our motorhome but don't know which is the best - it needs to give us peace of mind and protection against the most common gasses eg. LPG (Butane/Propane) / Narcotic gasses (i.e. those that are Ether based) / Carbon Monoxide. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you
We have a CO alarm. Plenty about, we just picked a cheap one. Not heard of one for LPG, but we don't have it so I've not been looking. The smoke alarm only came on one trip as it was triggered by boiling the kettle and just cooking, so we were irritating the rest of the site because it kept going off.
LPG gas leak alarms are available on ebay & Amazon, how effective they are, I know not. Presumably an LPG alarm would have to be fitted low down as LPG is heavier than air. You will need a separate CO alarm, buy those from B&Q.
You seem to be in Germany. I suggest you ask around the stelplatz.
I have never felt the need for any alarms either here or in Germany in 15 years.
So long as you look after your van properly there should never be a problem. DO NOT BELIEVE THE STORIES ABOUT GASSING IN VANS.
Propane is not narcotic, just very flammable, if there was a leak you would smell it. CO alarm is probably a good idea if you use a gas heater at night, though as pointed out should be ok if properly serviced & flue is not blocked.