We have 2 Kalkhoff e bikes with 28" wheels. They each weigh 25kg, without the batteries. Does anyone else have these, and how do you transport them?
Are we going to find a motorhome smaller than an 'A' class, where they will fit in the garage.
We are looking at Hymer 562, Burstner Solano, Chausson 610. Will they fit? Or are rear mounted carriers usually strong enough to take them both?
Quote: Originally posted by rogerangie on 21/5/2016
Try asking the dealer
Ha, ha, thank you, but, they wouldn't have a clue what a Kalkhoff looked like, and I wouldn't believe a word they said. I'm wanting to target a particular model to view, that would do. I suspect they are few and far between.
Seriously, thanks for taking the time to answer.
you say they are 28 kilos each, is that with batteries fitted or removed?? some of the rear bike carriers can carry up to 50 kilos, therefore if yours are less weight without the batteries I would go for that option, mine are not as big 21 kilos each but my problem is the rear of my camper cannot be fitted with a bike carrier, I have to take them on a swing down carrier to be able to open the boot. its a TIO IH campervan
while in Ullapool last year I met a couple who had a small 2 berth motorhome with a large rear garage in which they and they carried a small 100cc motorbike, unfortunately I cannot remember the brand of van.
I've also seen loads of vans with small scooters and motorbikes on rear carriers so I would think a couple of electric bikes should be no problem...
Hi David, yes of course. I'm really asking people who have Kalkhoff, what motorhome they have. Then I can visit a dealer who has one. Don't want wasted journey to view mh that are too small.
I would've thought that the chances of finding someone who;
a) Has exactly the same bike as you and b)Has exactly the right make/model of van that you'd like ( and c) Reads/posts on here) would be pretty slim..?
As has been said, take some measurements and contact the dealers with possible vans in stock. Also check online brochures, spec' sheets etc..
Even if the basic measurements do tally up, due to battery boxes, floor contours etc, projecting into some garages floor spaces,it may not always make for easy/neat storage anyway...
So the only sure way is to take your bike with you when trying the vans out.
(Trying it for real, may even make you change your mind about a "garage" model, who knows..?)