we have an autotrail motorhome with a flip down tv monitor in the cab above seats which is connected to the dashboard combined radio, cd,dvd, sat nav, blue tooth,we can never get a good signal to use the tv despite having a long lead from the caravan site plug ins our bedroom tv workd great but not the mail living area monitor can anyone suggest a way of boosting the sugnal or anyone have the same problem help
I need to ask you about the AERIAL. Don't wish this to sound anything other than it is, i.e. helpful.
In your list of things you do mention, there is nothing about the aerial. We also have a dropdown T.V in the cab...it is an Avtex. Our aerial,(Status)is roof fixed and has within the wardrobe, the adjusting stem/signal finder. It has 2 lights on the stem that are green....good signal....Red bad signal. It has a travel position...i.e. whilst on the move it is lowered, and raised when on site. We have found it to be a very good signal in all of the areas we have visited this year. In fact, as we were going to go to a site we used 3 years ago that is noted for a rather iffy signal we took with us our extension lead to plug into the pitch hook up. We are pleased to say we did not need to use it, and received a good signal for the 3 nights we were there. Did you make any adjustments/alterations for the tv system when adding the bedroom t.v?
no we made no adjustments but the bedroom tv works on a poor signal ie red where the dashboard combi unit (sat nav, dvd,cd, usb,) wont we get no signal on the unit which as you know transmits to the flip down monitor we have only ever seen red going to yellow never green we have to use the plug in ariel wherever we go the tv was already in the bedroom we just bought a new tv and it works perfectly the only place where it works is on our drive thank you for replying
yes they both work fine at home but when we,re away only the tv in the bedroom workd the signal box in the cupboard never gets to green always orangey thank you
Mmmmm, not sure then. You say it works on your drive? you mean the drop down T.V? When you look at the front of the tv...does it have a raised small piece of plastic on the top, left hand side?, If it does this has blue and red LED on it. Next to this is a rocker switch, and when you switch this on by hand the other piece of plastic will turn from red LED to blue. Once on blue, the remote then requires to be aimed at it....and the AQT button pressed. You will (most likely) have to do this every time you travel to a different area. Hope this works.