I've just had all of the seating refurbished in my motorhome (part leather/fabric). What a difference to appearance and comfort. Front seats now integrated headrests and additional padding. The quality of the finish and customer service was absolutely fantastic. Work carried out by Regal Furnishings, Ilkeston, Derby. I have no association with this company only complete satisfaction.
Good thread as there are occasionally people on this forum who ask for recommendations regarding seat refurbishment which is one of those things that people rarely have done so receive very few replies. It sounds superb what you have had done but at least you received first class workmanship and excellent customer service.
Great result.
Any chance of any photographs?
When I bought the motorhome a year ago I did consider having the front chairs reupholstered and looking at the Regal Furnishings website CLICK HERE it would look better than the 'land of beige' that I have at present, although they are still comfy.
Akernow, tried to establish a link but it didn't seem to work. Can you supply me, somehow, with your email address or perhaps explain how I can publish the photos. I can't seem to import the photos. Sorry.
Hency, this might help, or if you don't want to use Photobucket etc, try adding pictures to your profile (accessed from Members Only button top right of page).
We have just had our front car seat (leather) repaired by Hukes car trimmers near Dagnall, Hemel Hempstead, excellent work, also recommended. They do repairs to chairs etc as well.
Thank you everyone for comments. I have placed three photos of the new seating on my profile page. Regal Furnishings, Ilkeston. Marvellous company, thoroughly recommended.
if you use the "Add custom link" when adding a post it will show all the address on your post and looks like it is not working. just ignore it and look at the "preview post" this will show how it finally look with your website links