We want to take our tow car ( on a trailer - not A-frame) behind our motorhome into Europe but are wondering where we store the trailer while at the camp grounds.
Do the sites give you enough room for the trailer and car? Or do you have to keep your car on top of the trailer when you're not using it?
Many site will give you an option of a larger pitch at added cost , we have found many sites in Spain are often 70-80 square meters so quite small with just enough room for a Motorhome and Awning .
Not usually a problem. Drop off trailer & keep it at the back of the pitch & if there is no room for car on pitch then there will be other car parking, near reception or wherever. No hard & fast rules just see how you go.
If you want to park on motorhome aires in France then depends on size of m/h & trailer but everybody gets by. European campsites do not have the petty rules that some UK campsites have so it won't be a problem.
On a site at the moment in Spain, there is a couple who still have their mini on the trailer behind the motorhome, they are only passing through but there are lots of others who have the trailer, motorhome and little car on their pitch, there's also a larger trailer in the reception car park. You will soon suss it out when you get on site even getting away with sticking it on an empty pitch if there are some