Having fixed the above awning to the camper van. we find the instructions for erecting this a bit sparse. Before we make a cock up of this could some one guide us through this step by step for which we would be very grateful . Thanks, Muckalo.
I suggest you look at the Fiamma site, there is a video of how to erect the Zip, the Caravanstore is very similar. Just be sure to peg it down firmly immediately.
Also, make sure that there are two of you to unroll it. The roller bar is very heavy and will knock you out if it lands right! - and as "jennifernn" says get the proper Fiamma tie down kit and use it every time
Thank you both for the advice, We will get the tie down kit before erecting it. Our problem was erecting the front poles and knowing how to keep the awning up while we were doing this. The video version didn`t dwell too long on that aspect. Muckalo.
Sorry to por oil in troubled waters but that's why we sent out Privacy room back,too bloody complicated Fiamma should be shot for their rather confusing instructions (or lack of them!).
With two of you it is not too bad at all. One person positions themselves in the middle of the roller. The other person goes to each end in turn and draws out the legs. I always place the support legs into the fixings on the side of the van first and then drop the down legs. Another tip is never set the thing so it looks nice and level - always allow a fall to one side then any rain water will run off it easily
Thanks alot Bonzo, Thats what we were trying to figure out . As Val said Fiamma ought to be shot for the pathetic instructions that they send with the product. Anyhow thank you all for the fast response to our query, to some it may have sounded rather feeble....but we are both in our mid 70s and need a bit of prodding at times. (although the grandchildren think we are `Kool`. Thanks again, Muckalo.