Quote: Originally posted by ldpdmp on 17/6/2013
Given the amount of money allocated to the school by the governement can be well over half a million for a small school - is the amount of effort put into the event really worth it?
Yes for three reasons.
Something can be bought which the school wouldn't buy.
More of something can be purchased
Something can be bought now rather than when school funds allow.
It is important to decide what funds are to be spent on and let parents know. Our last expenditure was on some embroided tracksuit tops. School paid for 10, we paid for 30 more. Now all the aports teams can turn up looking the part.
Well done!
I was on primary PTFA for several years and agree with previous posts about summer fairs etc. they are hard work and you need a willing team behind you! But they can raise thousands for the school.
On a note of caution, if you do anything that involves alcohol you will need a licence. There are lots of websites that can advise you of all the legal requirements and do's and don'ts.
We ran mother and Father's Day craft events where the children paid approx £2 and made a present and card which was successful but not the greatest money earner but the kids lived doing it.
Also before a summer / Xmas fair the school had a non uniform day for anyone who donated a prize. This worked really well. Remember to enjoy what you do and have fun!
Good luck!
I'm on the pre school committee and we run fundraiser involving alcohol but we do them at a local cricket club so the licensing (and the clearing up) is someone else's problem, we've done bring your own nights before and got a temporary license but holding events at the cricket club works out easiest.
Hi ldpdmp is was really worth while, its a pre school so money is tight not like schools. They had expensive items stolen which need replacing as it was over a period of time. They are getting an IPAD 4 with the money so the children can play interactive games etc, which will help the staff.
The manager was over the moon.
It was a great day out and having a laugh with the other ladies too.
I think we did well £400 in total, if it wasnt for people fundraising for various charities, the world would be a sad place.
It doesnt matter how much or how little money is made, its the thought and effort of the people doing it.
Glad to hear it all went well - and to see the enthusiasm involved. Your background explanation says a lot. You are right to buy the things which the place really needs. Well done albeit I am unsure how an ipad 4 benefits preschool kids. I suppose I must be an old fashioned Head. Keep up the good work
But do 3/4 yr olds need apps. In my experience the 2 major problems with children coming into reception were - behaviour and language skills, neither of which can be addressed via apps. Equally, interactive boards cost a fortune and require computer service backup. My school was the first in the area to be virtually fully equipped via 8 computer suites, laptops to every teacher and boards in every classroom - but via grants left, right and centre. Had we had a choice, money would have been better spent elsewhere. Has it improved results - no. Computer skills in the young are over-rated i think. Kids play a lot but do not really use the machines. All that can come later, when they can behave, talk and interact with peers and adults.