The other thing I've noticed with this thread is that although each patient is different, each hospital / healthcare trust seems to have it's own different procedures for diagnosis and treatment!
Well done David got mine today too 0.5 They told me instead of every three months now it will be a yearly thing seems im free to (for a long while i hope)
Sorry Jeff I don't understand your answer (i'm probably being thick). Have you had a Prostatectomy? (I thought you had) if so, how soon after your op did you have your first PSA test?
Thanks David, the reason I'm asking is that I had my op on 25 April 2015, and my first follow-up appointment with the Surgeon is on 24th June. I've been told by my Macmillon Nurse that having a PSA test before that meeting is far too early! This somewhat contradicts your experience! This leaves me wondering what is going on!
Just trolled through my posts on here and discovered I saw my doc on the 19/2/2015 and got the all clear so I must have had the PSA test about a week before that so it was about six weeks after the opp so not to much difference with yours, mine Psa had dropped to what they class as unmeasurable so hope yours is the same Blue.
Quote: Originally posted by Blues4Pablo on 02/6/2015
Sorry Jeff I don't understand your answer (i'm probably being thick). Have you had a Prostatectomy? (I thought you had) if so, how soon after your op did you have your first PSA test?
No mate it was part of the examination you get when you get it checked.Im on a pill to shrink the prostate at the moment and im going to enquire to see if i can come of it as im taking too many tabs for this and that as it is.