My 10 year old grandson has started to learn the guitar at school. Can anyone recommend a suitable one to buy him for his birthday. not a lot of time to research and buy on line as it is Saturday and have to order and get it delivered by then. Any help appreciated.
find a local shop, or phone the tutor and ask, its important to get the right size, he may not be needing a full size guitar yet, and also, is it electric, or acoustic?
I would say not to go too cheap if possible, or pay for a set-up, ideally both. a badly set-up guitar can be so painful to play that it puts a learner off for good. Also, again if possible, get him the one HE wants. Nothing encourages you more to play more than loving the instrument you have...
If it is an acoustic, does he need a nylon strung classical style guitar, or a steel strung folk style?
Quote: Originally posted by Gram on 12/10/2016
If acoustic, nylon-strung classical is better for a complete beginner, as strings are easier and less painful on tender fingers....
On a properly set up guitar, the difference is minimal. It is better to get the right instrument for the type of music being played.
Buy the very best you can afford and get the advice of his teacher. I know too many promising youngsters given cheap Chinese rubbish that has destroyed them.
Take him for a meal in a restaurant that happens to be close to a music shop. As you stagger out of the restaurant slip into the music shop and start looking at guitars gauge his enthusiasm, get help from the assistant and buy him the right one.
A medium quality guitar with a reasonable action ( distance from stings to the fret board) can make a big different. A good guitar shop will set the guitar up for your grandson.
A lot of cheaper guitars have the strings set a mile away from the fret board, which makes it harder for beginners and will put them off as there fingers are shredded.
------------- It is a wise man who has something to say.
It is a fool who has to say something.
What guitar is he using for his lessons currently? What style of playing is he learning? His tutor is a good place to start with advice. I started playing aged 10 on a borrowed classical guitar, which has nylon strings which were great for learning finger picking. Later I played folk and switched to a metal strung folk guitar. ( Now I play banjo and uke...... Playing strings is addictive!)
I play guitar and so do my kids. It's probably too late now, but a nylon string, 3/4 size is best for a 10 year old and a proper music shop will have a good range of good quality ones.
You could buy him a music stand, music folder and a beginners guitar book? Or is he into computer games? You can never go wrong with a voucher for Game Shop. Good luck xx