Thought I'd post this to alert any other drivers of the possibility.
We have just purchased another Hyundai Terracan and I am over the moon with it. It does briliantly (much better than all the others I tried although teh Hyundai Sante Fe was excellent too but visibility was poor for me (6'4")).
We were towing back from France last week and it is rock solid even at the higher speed permissble in France.
However, when we got back to England I noticed that it was suddenly bahaving badly. I thought something must have moved in the caravan. However, it was all down to the lorry that we were following. It was a car transporter and the air flow coming off of it was causing turbulence that felt similar to snaking and I'm sure could have caused one. I recognised the feeling as I am a paraglider pilot and I know what rotor feels like; particulary from another air craft and thsi was very similar.
So I overtook the truck and everything was perfect. in fact as soon as I was alongside the truck it was perfect.
Just thought some of you may be interested to know that wind turbulence can cause your unit to wobble.
------------- Jo