Hi. I supervise students doing dissertations, and I second the advice so far.
Questionnaire design is tricky so it is a good idea to draft it and pilot it first, in order to iron out the wording of the questions, (otherwise what you THINK a question means and what your respondents THINK it means can differ widely!)
Go for closed questions (yes/no) and tick boxes, also make sure that any groupings you ask people to tick are of comparable size ( like age groups in 10 yer spans, or length of time camping divided into meaningful periods - e.g. is your dissrtation question seeking to explore a hypothesis that more people are turning to camping? If so then you may be especially interested to know who has camped for less than two/three years).
If your dissertation hypothesis includes "softer" concepts (e.g. "more people are turning to camping because it is cheap") then you also need to have some other categories of question to get at peoples' motives, and possibly include some text boxes people can just type into.
And a free online tool like survey monkey will do your number crunching for you, thus saving you having to input your resonses into a spread sheet or doing manual tallies.
Good luck with it - i know it is a demanding piece of work, but you will learn a lot along the way!