Famous last words there Heathercbell lol. One of the reasons we have bought a tent is so that Bubbles can come with us, she is part of our family and I wouldnt leave any of them out of a holiday. Surely, its personal choice though. The site has this rule so you just dont use that site, some people agree with the rule so they use it, we dont so we dont go there. There seem to be plenty of places accepting dogs in tents so whats the problem?
By the way, how do you guys tether your dog in the tent?
I have a dog stake but not sure what to do inside the tent??
sassy, the tether can be long enough for the twist stake to be outside...trail it in...zip up. A lightweight line will just ensure that if the dog does get out, it can't actually wander away from the pitch. Of course if the dog chews ( a tether ), then you'd have to consider a crate....or a lightweight chain.
Personally, I'd rather not have my dog in the tent because of the hairs and most of the time he sleeps in the car at night anyway. We put all the seats down so he has loads of room to move around ( which crates don't offer ) and has a duvet to sleep on and water in a non-spill bowl. The only problem with this is that I get up very early so I have to remember not to be slamming doors at 6 in the morning when I get him out !
Yes makes sense when someone tells you doesnt it lol. I think first time Bubble would rather be near us so I will try the tether through the tent she doesnt chew now so should be fine, she never wanders far anyhow so will suit her fine.
To avoid a tethered dog getting tangled up in a long lead, try two of those twist stakes and run a line between them. Attach the dog's lead to this line and then it has the run of the length of the line, but only the length of its lead to get tangled up in.
It is our site rule not to allow dogs in tents.One reason is the noise pollution for other campers,also we have had an issue where they have broken free and injured a child.With regret we have to be so careful with health & saftey requirements these days and dogs can break free from a tent more easily than a touring caravan.I can soon see the day where they will not be allowed in any public areas.
below is the e-mail i recieved when asking about camping with a dog, crock of siht if you ask me.
Hi Roch,
Sorry we do not allow dogs with tents.We accept them with touring caravans as they can be locked away and the noise pollution is less for other campers.Our site insurance for break-away dogs in tents is also an issue.
Personally, if there was a yapping dog " locked away " in a caravan near to me...I would be far from happy ! And I don't doubt the rspca might have something to say about a dog locked in a tin can on a hot summers day. ( unless the campsite is talking about statics ).