those pics are lovely! wish i'd taken one of our daughter last night or this morning, she looked so sweet!
she wore:
long sleeved vest and socks inside a babygro/sleepsuit.
2.5tog grobag
knitted cardigan
cellular blanket
candlewick blanket folded double
towel folded double
all in the top/bassinette bit of her travel cot (cos she can't pull herself up or roll over yet)
i put socks on her hands once she was asleep because the previous morning her hands had been blocks of ice.
i figure if it's too cold for me to sleep with my arm out of my sleeping bag, why should she have to?
she slept beautifully, from 8pm to about 7.45am, without so much as a teething whimper.
she's almost 8 months old, and l-o-v-e-s camping!!
I always put a blanket underneath the sheet in the travelcot and always put a hotwater bottle in about 1hr before he goes to bed-Just don't forget to take it out (and pop it it your own:-)) before you put the babies in it. This usually gets them down, but it can get cold in the middle of the night and that's the main problem. Just make sure you have a spare blanket or two to hand. The thin fleece one's are the best.
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those pics are so cute! my twinny bobs have been camping since around 6 months, they are 3 now and they love it! we also have a 4 year old girl and a 5 year old girl so many think we are totally crazy to go camping, seeing as EVERY time we go it pours with rain!
the boys are quite restless and always come out of their bags so i take 1 single quitl to go across them both and some fleece blankets that they usually cuddle up to.
What great advice, all of the above is spot on. Ours now 7 & 4 have Jack Wolfskin Billy the Kid sleeping bags. Our daughter has been in hers since less than 1 yr old and I just tied a knot in the bottom to stop her slipping down inside.
We used a travel cot with all the usual blankets for warmth etc in the early days. Now use thermarests for them and Fat Airics for us. Again a blanket between the bed and the ground is good. Have always resisted children specific camping kit, the sleeping bags were a present from Grandparents but when we just had one he used an old sleeping bag of mine again with a knot tied it in to give the right length.