Got a table and it seems ok, sturdy enough. Went with a view to getting a roofbox as well but didn't bother in the end, by the looks of the box (packaging) it wasn't very deep. Would be interested to hear waht those who did buy one think.
We got one of the roofboxes last year, looks like exactly the same one as this year's version. We found it OK - it's not exactly a bottomless pit but it did a decent job for us for at least 40 quid less than the likes of Halfords wanted for even their cheapest one!
You get what you pay for in a way - we had to drill extra holes in ours for example, it only opens one way and there's no gas-assisted opening etc - but then again at this price you can hardly expect that. It's only in use for camping trips, and unless you need something really huge (this is quoted at just over 300 litres IIRC) it's not bad at all. Like a lot of Aldi's kit I suppose - yes you can get better elsewhere, but for the money you lay out for it it's still a pretty good deal IMO.
Quote: Originally posted by poppi on 10/6/2007
Went today to buy an extra roll up aluminium table but took it straight back in after putting it up in carpark as it was not very good quality.Our argos one is packed in rapido!
Think you got a dodgy one or you put it together wrong, Mine is well sturdy (the table that is)