Just got back from a weeks wet camping in Shaftesbury (also visited Longleat!). There doesn't appear to be much of a problem with flooding but the field we were in was very wet.
Make sure you have something under your sig as we didn't and it took ages to clean the tent when we got home.
Take a mat as suggested or use a bit of cardboard (I didn't even bother putting the groundsheet down in the porch) to take shoes off.
Take wellies or something for walking round in as all of our trainers got soaked within minutes and then couldn't be dried because of the weather.
Cooking outside was a bit of a problem and we did end up doing some cooking in the porch but all the doors open out on ours so there was really only cover above our heads.
My daughter went through so many clothes I couldn't beleive it so make sure you take plenty. I ended up putting her in shorts as her legs were easier to wash.
Most of all enjoy! We had a lovely day when we went to Longleat and there were plenty of dry spells the rest of the time.