A ready bed? Our son has one he takes camping but we just have a regular airbed, however have just seen they are on sale (double adult ones) and wonder if they may be better than a regular airbed?
I have one and it's great. The original airbed developed a puncture so we replaced it with a coleman double comfort inside the ready bed. Personally, I don't think the coleman is any better than the cheap airbed it came with. My OH doesn't like sleeping bags and it's nice to be able to snuggle up when camping so the ready bed is great. I use a spare sleeping bag over the top in winter as it isn't that thick but other than that it's great.
We ended up buying seperate sleepingbags after the first night for our two kids as they were freezing in the middle of the night using their ready beds, despite several layers of clothes.
I suppose it all depends on the quality ours were a little gimmicky.
For yourselves stick with a good quality double airbed and treat yourself to the Wynnster Ranger Double or King sleeping bag you'll never look back SooooooooooooWarm!!!!