Quote: Originally posted by AndyBrad on 16/3/2008
A Vango Diablo is a big tent, but I've got to agree that £56 a night for a family of 4 is expensive. At that sort of price, camping certainly starts to lose its appeal. Mary - out of interest, how did they calculate that price ?
We have camped with 4 children (not taken our youngest of 9mths yet), and I have I mind about £25 a night as a fair price for a clean site with the usual toilets/showers/wash up, during school holidays. Would anyone disagree with that ?
It was calulated based on two, mid-season, medium sized adjacent pitches. The site itself charges per pitch, based on a four person occupancy (kids counted as adults). I can't remember the high-season charge, but I know it was considerably greater. My biggest gripe was the double charge mid-season, particularly after the guy I spoke to said they were only opening half a field (of their three) because they didn't expect it to be busy! Sadly, in this instance, I do think its a case of creaming as much as they can. A friend knows the site owner and he (apparently) takes a very hard-nosed approach to all his business ventures.
We ordinarily pay £14-20.00 per night for a decent site, which includes two adults, one car and a sur-charge for the large tent (not EHU). It's usually a couple of pounds for our eldest (9) and (until this year) free for the youngest (3) -some sites charge for over 2's, but many don't charge until they're 4.
I think it is possible to do it for £25 over the school hols. If you avoid the more commercial/developed sites and beach resorts and instead opt. for the smaller, more traditional, sites you should find something with good facilities, a playgound and a poss. even a pool for the kids.