I don't think Outwel have provided videos/dvds in the past. However, the SV is really easy to erect. I would advise that it takes 2 to do it.
1. Lay it out and make sure door openings are unzipped to allow some air in.
2. Peg out the back 2 corners.
3. Working from the back thread the poles through the appropriate coloured sleeves but don't put the ends into the holes.
4. Starting with the back pole lift the tent and insert the ends into the holes provided and then peg roughly in place. Work forward until they are all in. Pull out the front of the tent and peg it so that it holds everything up.
5. Once all the poles are pegged roughly you can pull them forward and make sure that they are all straight before tightening the straps at the bottom.
This is how we used to do ours and it worked well. You could look at existing videos of Vermonts, new Sun Valleys and similar models of Outwell to give you an idea of what to do.
Good luck and happy camping!