Hi .....just returned from great trip in suffolk and gave my children thin glowsticks from the pound shop....all was fine until one bent his to form a letter shape and it cracked sepping foul tasteing and smelling liquid into his eye..he came screaming out of the tent, luckly we had a bucket of water to hand and we sloushed his eye out. Another of our partys children slightly younger chewed hers and had got the horrible liquid in her mouth, it is really foul I can tell you. Although more expensive I would always opt for the thick stick ones never had trouble with these
Even the thick ones can cause problems. We once gave the kids the thick ones to play with during a circus performance, unbeknown to us our oldest then 3-4yrs old had had it in his mouth and it came apart, we all glowed, he was later gloriously sick all over and the adults had quite violent headaches that night.
The kids now know they dont go anywhere near mouths!
Even so we wouldnt do with out them hanging on the childrens bedroom zip at night, but I usually check them before use.