Bought a Monty 6 last year, then ran out of time to use her. There is me (Mum) widowed and my two Autistic sons 13 & 12. Summer hols have run away with us and boys go back to school this week so...... Into the deep end did I plunge!!
Found a willing farmer who kindly let me pitch on his land (for nothing) for one night, so last night found us in 30acres by ourselves with foxes deer owls and the stars.
It was totally brilliant, even when my 11yo decided that 5.30am was the time to get up.
Aired the tent, slight condensation, when gone took down the Monty and straight back in the bag!!
Can't wait for next year (if not before) but think that a Trailer is next on shopping list as there is only so much I can fit into a CLIO.
Addicted to this site, oh and Rex I shall also be shopping for some Delta Pegs as well
Thanks to all, for giving me the courage to do this