Quote: Originally posted by suzitkd on 26/4/2009
Val, excuse me for being thick here, could you tell me what a standard flat frame hook is? We could do with hanging a few things from our trailer tent awning but I didn't want to because I thought it would cause leaks! Thanks!
This sort of thing. You'll recognise it as one of the hooks that you clip your TT inner tents up to cabin the frame with? They are made in different diameters and slightly different designs but the basic idea is to have a flat band of metal going round the pole, rather than something lumpy. Then you can thread an S-hook or loop of tape or whatever through the small bit.
The other way to hang things from frame tent poles is to use a strip of J-cloth, about 4" wide, just looped round the pole and tied into a hoop. I have three or four of these dangling from various bits of the TT frame and use them for hanging my battery lamp, the clothes airer and the pocket organiser up. Trust me, they won't leak either...and funnily enough they help when setting up, because they show where some of the poles go.