I don't believe the weather men could possibly get a long term forecast right. Last Friday they forcast that Sunday would be very wet. It turned out to be a beautiful warm sunny day. If they can't do 2 days in advance what chance do they stand with 2-3 months. It is a shame because it makes planning a trip in advance very difficult, Its better just to look out of the window and if its dry, grab the gear and go!
i think this is a ploy to get people to stay in this country and spend their money, the country so badly needs the tourisim, more money, more revenue, call me a cynic, but i don't believe them.
Well it has rained every single time I have gone camping ....so rain or shine it doesnt make any difference to me! All part of the fun... .I have learnt not to count on the reports and cant help thinking thomsonmum3 has hit the nail on the head lol!
They could'nt get todays forecast right , weatherforcast at 1am heavy rain by 5am result........ cloudy this morning lovely afternoon and evening if they can't get it right for 4hrs ahead i would'nt trust them to get a whole summer right!
------------- I Think Therefore I Am I Think? eh? If all is not lost where is it?
Just rememberd i was coming home from the inlaws at lunchtime local radio station on in the car sunvisor down sunglasses on window open etc weather forecast came on the radio (the station is only amile down the road) heavy showery rain withlow cloud over the fells and pennines! you could see for miles hardly a cloud in the sky! they only had to look out of the window dummies!
------------- I Think Therefore I Am I Think? eh? If all is not lost where is it?
So annoyed. This year we have one week under canvas (polyester) booked but decided against our usual 2 weeks family camping in Cornwall (in part due to kids having other activities and the logistics proving a headache)so am not impressed. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!