Personally I think that ALL sites should state their rules and stick to them. If Music is allowed then it should say so and if silence is the order of the day then that too should be upheld, that way folk that want peace and quiet get it and vica versa.
If site owners are to lazy or inconsiderate to ensure site policies - then we should make as much publicity as possible to draw this to the attention of others.
Im pretty new to camping, and as of yet have not really come across any such trouble, but on my last trip a hippy couple in an old VW camper decided that come 10 PM they would do a walkabout tour of the site he playing the fiddle she "singing". ( well I think thats what they call it ) LOL - They received a mixed rection from most people, I just thought it was the worst racket I have ever heard
After reading all these I am feeling reasured. I was beginning to think maybe I was just being a boring old sod not wanting to listen to roudy noise etc...not that I am old of course !!.Not that thinking after 11pm should be quiet on small family sites is unreasonable of course.
We had such a bad experience last year and I was a little apprehensive about doing a full week again. We have chosen a site that was recommended by a local when we were having the camping holiday from hell last year and the site seems very strict on noise, so fingers crossed
petunia20 Please tell us what campsite it was. Like the other poster on here said, I too am going to Pembrokeshire, in a few weeks time, and obviously wish to avoid it like the plague. Or should that be Swine Flu