We took several new items away wth us last week, first of all my wondawedge, it lived happily at the top of the bed fro reading and there was still enough room for me to snuggle down and lay flat out
New carpet for the bedrooms, can't see it in our room as the bags cover it but here it is in the smaller room
New cupboard to clear the clutter away, BTW that white bucket is not a bin
I would really like a wondawedge so that I can sit up in the morning and have a cup of coffee in bed, and for reading in bed at night. So, Purplebean, was it any good ??? Did it support your back or is it a bit too small to be of any use? Its a bit too late for my next trip, but if the feed back is good I will get one and keep it ready for later.
I loved the wondawedge. Once I had it set up it stayed in place all week. There was enough room to lay down and leave it there. It was a really good support and was great for reading. Hubby didn't bother blowing his up and wished he had.
Thanks Purplebean, that's just what I wanted to hear. I will definately be getting one, in fact I will look into it tomorrow. Perhaps there is still time to get one - we are off on Sunday.