Topic: My pitch?
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14/8/2009 at 3:50pm
Location: Notts Outfit: Quechua 4.2 and 2 second pop up
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Ok then, this happened to us not long ago, we pitched towards back of field, there were a few of us along two sides of field and a huge empty space in the middle of the field where everyones children were playing together. The day before we left a group of about 10 brand new huge tents and huge cars came used the rest of the field, pitched in a huge circle leaving loads of room in the middle which their children could play on, I did as did many more people walk straight through the middle of this huge area, because I didn't want to walk right around it all each time. My children and others also used this circle to play in only briefly though because thankfully we were going the next day.
They would have seriously wound me up had I had to stay any longer, they were noisy beggers until about 1:30 am with children riding bikes round on the field really speedily and in the dark.
So after all that waffle would you have all walked around their encampment each time.
And for the record, I wouldn't walk near to anyone guy ropes, and I certainly wouldn't walk through where they had equipment, like I say I use the spaces between car and neighbours tent, always on far side of door.
------------- Wendyxx
14/8/2009 at 4:10pm
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Surely your last post is contradictory to your original posting of:-
"I have always taken the shortest route to where I am headed and yes sometimes its across someones pitch, "
Is it because of the flak on here?
14/8/2009 at 5:07pm
Location: Scotland. Outfit: Conway Camargue Lots of Vangos. .
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Quote: Originally posted by bartown22 on 14/8/2009
Ok then, this happened to us not long ago, we pitched towards back of field, there were a few of us along two sides of field and a huge empty space in the middle of the field where everyones children were playing together. The day before we left a group of about 10 brand new huge tents and huge cars came used the rest of the field, pitched in a huge circle leaving loads of room in the middle which their children could play on, I did as did many more people walk straight through the middle of this huge area, because I didn't want to walk right around it all each time. My children and others also used this circle to play in only briefly though because thankfully we were going the next day.
They would have seriously wound me up had I had to stay any longer, they were noisy beggers until about 1:30 am with children riding bikes round on the field really speedily and in the dark.
So after all that waffle would you have all walked around their encampment each time.
Yes I would have walked through it because the area in the middle was still a communal area and left open as a play space. .
BUT if they had walled it off with windbreaks I'd have felt compelled to walk round. I'd have been muttering curses as I did so, but I'd still have walked round it. Just because they seemed to have bugger all idea of camping etiquette doesn't mean I have to forget my manners after all.
14/8/2009 at 9:27pm
Location: Devizes Wiltshire Outfit: MWB2BVW2BCrafter2
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I personally believe it is disrespectful to walk across another pitch.
Since I have EHU all the time nowadays, I do not pitch in the middle of field and share with other tents. Therefore, the likelihood of peeps walking across my pitch will be low, except for kids who are not controlled by their guardians.
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* Treat life events like a dog: if you can't eat it, play with it or hump it, p1$$ on it and walk away!
14/8/2009 at 10:30pm
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Just the same I suppose as those persons who walk between stalls.
we as traders try our upmost to block all walk ways in the middle of isles meaning the joe public have to walk to the end and back down.
the main reason we do this is beacause we camp behind stalls if its a weekend show and leave kit all over the place
even on day shows when were not camping theres belongings and goods behind stalls so having people wander between stalls is a no no
its our space keep out - same for tents and caravans "the invisile boundry"
16/8/2009 at 9:38pm
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We've just came back from a camping trip and we had people actually climbing under our guy ropes and right past our front door!
We had had very heavy rain and for a couple of days, the pitches were a mud bath, very slippery and we were right on the main pathway. There was no excuse for that though and we were totally fed up. After telling a couple of people that we would appreciate them not doing that we ended up parking the car touching the guy ropes to try to stop it.
It was exceptional circumstances I admit, but even so it was very annoying and when it did finally dry up our pitch was more respected.
16/8/2009 at 9:55pm
Location: Crosby Outfit: Kyham Kansas 8 easy camp milano
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I say it's a no-no we never do it and have trained the kids not to do it and I will comment to anyone who thinks it's acceptable to walk on my pitch if I see them and I do tell kids off when they do it and I don't care who they are or what their excuse is it's not acceptable that is my pitch - we alway have ehu and therefore a marked pitch - and it's not for anyone else to walk across. I much prefer camping abroad for this very reason all pitches are clearly defined with boundary hedges of some sort and therefore it is obvious where the pitches are. We've just come back from East Fleet where we had a very clearly defined pitch but we still ended up positioning the car to stop people walking with their dogs across the pitch where we had our table and one little **gger rode his bike from front to back of our pitch to get to his own caravan in the adjoining line and went over our guylines - he only did it the once after I told him I'd let his tyres down if he did it again.
16/8/2009 at 10:08pm
Location: North Herts Outfit: Monterey4 Cabanon E
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Quickest answer: do as you would be done by... if you don't like people getting too close then don't do it to others. Simples.
------------- Do campers 'peg it'?