I will be supping in my wine, eating chilli, in a field in Weymouth...Been lugging all the gear from shed to lounge, absolutely shattered now ! Packing in morning, other half been on stag weekend in Prague (oh dear...) who knows what state he will arrive home in, but I wont let it ruin my holiday and he better not do either or he will be for it !! Please do a sunshine dance for me (although not really too bothered bout rain!!) am excited to use my new outwell Carolina tent !!....bon voyage and au reviour....
thanks all :-) OH on his way home, sounds sober as a judge (thats scary !!!)...living room is like a camping shop ! I too am doing a sunshine dance ! Yippee !!
Well...the sun shone for most of the week ! Although we had many many downpours but luckily we "saw" it coming every single time as we had a brilliant sea view and we saw it coming in frontof us ! Got the camping blues now though :-(
The only way to solve that is go for a quick camping weekend to get it out of your system. I was downright depressed after my 'big' holiday and had to take myself off to the beach for two days..