We have the smaller Wayfarer bags, along with the Stacks. Together they work really well. We are amazed just how much these bags can hold, bit like Mary Poppins bag really. :-)
For chairs I can really recommend the Brendon Hills chairs with sidetables.
Other items that are must haves are:
The knives, the Fuji heatinglamp, the Collaps bowles and washing up bowl. Domingo Cuppards, Hamilton table and the Sudbury Kitchen.
Lucky you! Congrats on winning the Outwell vouchers!
Another vote for putting the £170 towards an extra tent - there must be some situations where you'd need to upsize/downsize for trips of different lengths.
We got an Outwell Virginia 5 a year or so ago, and were really impressed with the quality. Very thoughtful design and great features. There wasn't a box it didn't tick!
Otherwise, I read on here that Outwell do extremely good lamps, but I'm afraid I don't know what they're called. If I had loadsacampingcash I think I'd start by upgrading my lighting.
I've got the Cruise bag, the one with the straps - I use that with the straps when we take the Vermont out, but just pack stuff in it and prop it up on something when we take the Oakland. I also use it when we go on non-camping trips. I have the smaller bag and it holds enough clothes for half a week's holiday for me and my 3 yo. Usually use another bag for hubby. (I only take half a weeks worth of stuff as we don't have space in the car for more....) I'm very happy with it and would happily recommend it. I also love the Stacks bags which hold a lot more than you think they will, and my Ozone washbag, although the latter is hard to get hold of it seems. As for lights, I have the Castor light and love it - gives off a great light in the tent and needs no other additional lighting even in the Vermont living area! That's often on offer in GO too. HTH
Thanks for all the suggestions - I'm thinking the bags are looking like a good bet! At the moment I pack everything in fabric bags and then into the shelving unit which stands in the tent. So if anyone has more info on the bags, because they have used them when camping then please post about them.
I hadn't thought of lighting, we are always needing more lights! More internet searching coming up!
The next best thing i have bought from outwell other than my monty would be my double lake veiw down sleeping bag. I bought it a couple of years ago and its so warm and light and packs down as small as a single bag i wouldn't go back to a synthetic one again . its quite exspensive but, top quality..