We have a Vango Icarus 500 in blue, which is now discontinued. We would really like a porch (or awning, whatever the correct word is!) but can only see green ones for the still -produced green Icarus 500, plus it costs almost as much as the tent.
We wondered if there is such a thing as a generic porch? Something that can be properly secured, not a stand-alone gazebo type of thing.
Other campers must also have similar requirements - somewhere to sit in the shade, or away from birds pooping on your table & chairs. Is there a solution out there for us?
I think a front porch needs to be the same height and width as the tent, to ensure a perfect fit. Most generic canopies tend to locate on the side of the tent, but as the Icarus 500 doesn't have a side door this might not work for you?
We have a Gelert Lunar 3 ( the proper one) and although the Nebula porch would have fitted there just weren't any to be found. We ended up getting the horizon 6 end porch which fits pretty well but is the wrong colour. I don't care, it works!! As long as you know your measurements you should find something useable (if not matching)