I would like to know if anyone knows what we are doing wrong. We went camping for the first time in our Nebraska XXl a few weeks ago and we placed tarpaulin under the SIG to keep the bottom dry and clean ( a VERY big tent to have to dry out!). We made sure the tarp was under the tent by at least an inch all the way around. The only thing is, I noticed that the SIG kept blowing up as wind was getting underneath it. We thought we had pegged it out well and tight (?) so how is the wind getting under ?.
Daft question I suppose, but I really don`t know what we did wrong. Can anyone help? Is this a common problem?
We've recently bought a Montana 12. The first time we took it away at the end of April we had a similar problem. We kind of put it down to the fact that it was a particularly windy location. We had to bring home a soaking wet tent which we then had to put up again in the garden, we then played around with the position of the legs and found that the SIG then laid flat and there was no wind getting underneath. Used the tent again a couple of weeks ago and didn't have any problems with wind under SIG. We therefore definately think it was simply down to us!! Hope this has helped.
We went to look at the tent display at Don Valley a few weeks ago, on a very windy day, and the SIGS in the Outwells all looked like they had been inflated! It was really wierd inside, as the groundsheet only touched the floor where we were treading, and the rest was billowing on a pocket of air. What's that all about? Pitching? Or is it just common in SIG tents in general?
We definately experienced the same with our Monty 12 the first time we pitched it and it was a windy day. Only used it twice so far and the second time no wind. Have to see what happens when we pitch again with a wind blowing!! I think it has got something to do with how it's pitched though.
I quite like it when the wind lifts the SIG a bit, it helps keep it clean, but when I've put the picnic rugs, chairs, beds, etc. down, it doesn't lift so much.
We found the SIG on our Sunncamp Olympic lifted slightly with the wind on a recent camping trip to Tenby but we put it down to the fact that it wasn't a level pitch ( rear bedroom pod sloped uphill - porch area sloped downhill )
We had no problems last year on a totally flat pitch.