silly question perhaps but if i ran a combicool off the car battery surely it would flatten the car battery? Its just im concidering buying one for this weeknds meet lol was the whole thought of lugging ahuge gas bottle what with the huge everything else.... Think will leave it for now and wait until next summer for hook up bookings! cheers!
Why not carry the gas bottle in the combicool if you are that worried about space. A gas bottle is minute when compared to the size if the 3 way fridge !
i guess its really more to do with the fact that it will be too much to organise for the weekend. i could have got the fridge but then the gas bottle and perhaps the pipes....have not got time so i think i will leave it for now and consider it at a later date....thnaks for the replies though! Will have to make do with luke warm beer!!!
Aww what a shame ,luke warm beer! .like mine frosty! I just got back from a few days away on my own with youngest ,didnt see the need for the combicool,gas bottle just for us 2 so left them at home ,BOY what that a mistake ,2 days in ,rang hubby and gothim to bring it ,sever risk of food poisoning ohterwise in htis heat!