12 days old! Fantastic. I'm inspired - I'm expecting a baby (two days overdue now) and was wondering if we'd get to go camping this year but now I'm sure we will, though will probably leave it for 6 weeks or so. My first child went camping when he was 2, my second at 6 months and it would be a great shame for us all to miss a whole year camping. I've even bought a bigger tent already.
Sleeping: I'll take a carry cot that's quite sturdy and insulated underneath (also useful for plonking the baby in during the day), when the baby's bigger I'll switch to a travel cot as I like them to be off the ground, my 4yr old likes his foldout campbed. We use winter growbags and layers of babygros according to weather.
Feeding: Will breastfeed the newborn so nice and easy. If using bottles then I can recommend the hang-up one-use sterilising bags that last 24 hours (mothercare sells them I think), readymade formula cartons and steribottles which are handy for when you've had some wine the night before and forgotten to wash the baby bottle. I agree with room temperature milk - get them used to it from the start if you can especially in the summer.
Clothes: I don't mind the older ones getting grubby. UV outfits and fleeces are great because they rinse and dry so quick. But for the baby I'd take as many baby gros and spare bedding as I could. I'll probably look for a site with washers and dryers. Also plenty of tops for yourself in case it's a dribbly baby and about a million muslin cloths.
Washing: We did have a tiny blow up bath which would be excellent but I think I've lost it so will probably just use a washing up bowl or similar.
Crying: If we're unlucky and have a colicky baby then for my own sanity I'd postpone the trip. If we went and the baby did cry for hours in the night then we'd be packing up at dawn - no way could I handle the stress of hours of crying especially on a campsite, I'd also want to get home and get the baby checked out by the health visitor. However a bit of crying at night should be expected but should only cause a disturbance to the mother - plenty of partners aren't aware the next morning how many times the mum has got up in the night for feeds and they are only a few feet from the baby!
I hope BandM's baby has arrived safely and mum is well and gets to go camping before this fantastic weather turns back to normal british summertime.