I had a section of floor in my ELDDIS Hurricane 1995 model that had delaminated. It was infront of the cooker area and was approx 48" long by 28" wide. So I started researching what to do about it and using the info on this site I found the confidence to attack the job. A big thank you to the contributors of the articles that I read.
Heres my experience of doing this job I hope that any one else thinking of tackling this job will read this and take from it anything they wish.
I firstly stripped back the carpet carefuly once I found out that it had been stapled down I didn't want to rip the carpet. Once the floor was exposed I drew out a 4" x 4" grid over the area. The corner of the boxes in the grid were where I would dril into the floor.
Underneath the van I jacked it up off the floor and supported the axle with large timbers ensuring the steadys were down thus the van was stable and I could lay underneath it. I checked the area under the delamination there were no gas lines or wires. I cut a piece of chipboard to the size of the area and marked the centre of the board by drawing diagonal lines from opposing corners. I then offered the board up to the underside of the affected area using a scisors jack located under the centre of the board. Once jacked up to the underside of the flor I went insid ethe van and layed a meter stick on edge acros the delaminated area
------------- Now using a metal tent on wheels!!