I have just bought an Avondale Leda Antrim and have found a problem in that when I'm connected to a site electric point all the electrics work fine, but when I try to get anything working from the battery only nothing works. I've tried the battery on a friends caravan and everything workes ok. Can someone please give me some pointers.
Hi Welshwizard, welcome to the forum.If you have a Car/Van switch, make sure it is set to "Van". Also, some caravans have a master-switch for the 12 volt system just inside the door somewhere (I don't know about Avondale)in order to isolate the system- eg, leaving the caravan unattended for a while.
trace the battery wires and check all fuses. their should be some in the battery compartment and some in the 12v distribution box , which should be located next to the rcd unit
Look in the battery box. There should be a fuse on the red cable. As there is no 12v power when 240v is switched off. It as to be this fuse or the connections to the battery.