I am intending resealing my Abi Monza M1000, and need some info - what size of stainless steel screws do I need? Where is a good supplier? What type of mastic is the best to use?
Help appreciated,
Cheers, Mark
------------- growing up is optional, growing old is not!
Quote: Originally posted by Hazzo on 05/10/2009
I used 25mm ss screws, local hardware shop £8 per 100, Focus don't do em and couldn't find any at BQ. Hazzo
If anyone on here living in or near Oxford wants any SS bits, eg s/tappers, button heads, machine screws, etc etc, go to Toolmaster on the Oxford Road Cowley. They sell in bulk, no pricey packs like some places. Tell 'em Pete with the old Model 'A' replica kit car recommended you - some of the guys there will know me and they really are a great crew, very helpful. They can't compete with Screwfix for cutting and sanding discs, but it sure is nice to browse and pick what you want from the small screws etc - there are even plastic bags down by the bins to put them in!