My caravan (Elddis Slipstream Vogue 1998) is in storage. I have been to it today to install a fully charged Leisure battery, but couldn't get the 12v electrics to work. Does anyone know what the likely causes are, as I will be going back next week to fiddle, and would prefer to go armed with some info!
Yes, switched the switch over to 12v. Battery Flat shown on the meter. The battery is full, I cheched it with my inspection lamp, and the meter on the my charger at home.
Yes, switched the switch over to 12v. Battery Flat shown on the meter. The battery is full, I cheched it with my inspection lamp, and the meter on the my charger at home.
could be your charger as gone down or even though your battery is charged without doing a drop test on it this will tell you true condition of battery.multi-meter will tell you have 12v if you tested it with this.until you put a 12v onthis will show you how much power is getting to battery.check your in line fuse behind battery box too this could have blown.