Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. I have a truma water heater in a Bailey Ranger 460/2. The heater works fine on electric but trips out when I try and use gas to heat it up. I can hear gas getting to the cylinder and can hear a clicking noise before it trips out. It is full of water, the cowels off and Gas is getting to the heater.
if purging the air out of the sysytem(bleeding) doesnt work there is a flame sense electrode in the burner that gets fusty all it needs is a good clean but not with a metallic cleaner (wire wool or brush ) use a scotch brite pad or something similar just to shine it up
if the non return valve is not allowing water through to fill the tank then it will not light.also check battery status as it needs a good ignition.once it has got too 70 it will trip in and out to maintain the temperature.
Yep covers off the vent. And the water is getting in as it heats up on electric.
Im going to try and clean the burner and electrodes if I can get to them!! as Jim Butler recommends if that doesnt work ill have to get to a dealer. The annoying thing is I bet its something very easy to fix. (He says hopefully!)